Friday, May 30, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Eli:  I'm so excited to go home and play my new DS game.

Me:  That is exciting.

Eli:  Are you excited about going home Mommy?

Me:  Yes, I drank too much coffee and have to go to the bathroom.

Eli:  So you are excited to see your bagina?

Me:  VA-gina.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Liar Liar

Eli:  Mommy I have something to tell you.

Me:  Okay…

Eli:  I haven't wiped my butt since December.

Me:  Oh my gosh.  You have to wipe after you go poop.  You are going to get itchy butt.

Eli:  Nope.  Hasn't happened.

Me:  Well you are going to get stains in your underwear and be the boy who smells like poo at school.

Eli:  Nope.  Hasn't happened.

Me:  Okay…well you are going to get…worms…big fat worms.

                                                                                      Eli:  I better wipe my butt then.