Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Anatomy Lessons

Eli:  Mommy I have a man chest now and man nibbles.

Me:  What?

Eli:  I have man nibbles.

Me:  They are called "nipples".

Eli:  Will I have milk come out of my man nibbles?

Me:  What?  No.  Where do you get this stuff?

Eli:  Cows have milk come out of their cow nibbles.

Me:  Promise that men don't have milk come out of their nipples.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pencil It In

Me:  Eli time to take a shower.

Eli:  I'm going to need you to wash my boodie.

Me:  No you can do it.

Eli:  There has been a lot of pooping but not a lot of wiping today Mommy.

Me:  You have to wipe every time Eli.

Eli:  I'm busy, okay?